Inicio – en2021-03-24T15:02:44+00:00


Through this service you will be able to verify the authenticity of the documents generated from the Phidias Academic system.

Verify your document

Check the authenticity of the document

Frequently Asked Questions

Certified documents are in PDF format
and protected with a PKCS.10 certificate that prevents the document from being modified.

Is Phidias a certification body?2021-03-24T14:48:59+00:00

No. Phidias is a company that offers services to schools and educational institutions. The certificates, report cards, minutes that the school generates from Phidias can be certified digitally. These are documents issued by the Colleges, from our platform, certified using a digital certificate issued by a certification body.

Does the consultation of certified documents have any cost?2021-03-24T14:48:07+00:00

No. For those who have received a certified document from Phidias, checking its authenticity through the portal has no cost.

Who has access to the certified documents?2021-03-24T14:46:36+00:00

Certified documents generated from Phidias are securely stored on Amazon Web Services servers. Only the company that generates them and the recipient of the generated document have access to these documents. The document is identified with a security key or hash and whoever knows that key will be able to download the document from to verify its authenticity.

Are certified documents legally valid?2021-03-24T14:44:50+00:00

Yes. In Colombia, the use of digital certificates is regulated by Law 527 of 1999. By means of which the access and use of data messages, electronic commerce and digital signatures are defined and regulated, and the certification entities and other provisions are dictated and by Decree 1747 of 2000. By which Law 527 of 1999 is partially regulated, in relation to certification entities, certificates and digital signatures.

Considering that the documents certified in Phidias use a certificate issued by an open entity authorized by the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce and that all the criteria established in article 15 of Decree 1747 of 2000 are met, these documents they are considered, for all intents and purposes, as digitally signed documents.

In Spain and the European Union, the eIDAS regulation establishes the procedures for the use and legal recognition of electronic signature processes. The European Commission identifies and lists certified trust service providers that are recognized throughout Europe.

This document establishes the principle of non-discrimination that indicates that the validity of a signature cannot be refuted for the sole reason of being in electronic format. Taking into account the above, any electronic signature is valid as a probative document within the countries of the European Union.


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